
Leebet Update: Continued Unethical Practices and Broken Promises


We previously shared our concerns about LeeBet Casino and its questionable practices. Unfortunately, recent developments have confirmed our worst fears about this operator. It’s crucial to keep you informed about what’s happening and why we believe it’s time to take serious action.

Unethical Behavior and Unpaid Winnings

As many of you know, our experience with LeeBet has been far from satisfactory. Despite our fair and legitimate winnings, the casino refused to pay us in full, citing arbitrary rules and unreasonable limits. This alone raised significant red flags about their trustworthiness and integrity.

The Disappearing Dividends

LeeBet markets itself as a dividends crypto casino, where players earn LEE Tokens while wagering and 4% of the casino’s revenue is distributed daily among LEE holders. This system was a major selling point for many players, providing an additional incentive to play on their platform.

However, a few months ago, LeeBet abruptly removed the dividends system, claiming they needed to restructure it. Months have passed with no sign of the dividends returning. The casino has provided no official statement, and the only responses from their Telegram admins are vague and generic assurances that the team is working on a new system. Adding to the suspicion, all references to the dividends system and their whitepaper have been removed from the site.

Our Stance

Given these developments, it’s clear that LeeBet has not only failed to uphold its promises but has also engaged in deceptive and unethical behavior. The removal of the dividends system without transparency or a clear timeline for its return is a significant breach of trust. Combined with their refusal to pay out legitimate winnings, it’s evident that LeeBet is not a reliable or trustworthy operator.

Our Recommendation

Taking all of this into consideration, we believe that LeeBet should be blacklisted, and players should be warned to avoid this casino. The lack of transparency, unethical practices, and failure to honor their commitments make LeeBet a high-risk platform for players.

We urge you to choose your gaming platforms carefully and prioritize those that demonstrate fairness, transparency, and integrity. At BTCGOSU, we are committed to providing you with accurate and honest information to ensure you have the best and safest gaming experience possible.

Stay Safe and Play Responsibly

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary. In the meantime, please stay vigilant and choose your casinos wisely.

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